Valerie Quaye - Life coach

What is coaching?
The focus of a coaching conversation is looking to the future. The sessions explore what opportunities and actions would need to be considered to enable the ideal future self to be manifested.
What is a life coach?
A life coach is an individual who helps people make changes to their lives so that they can feel a higher level of life satisfaction.
How is coaching different from therapy?
Coaching is future focussed and shift your current mindset so that you are able to achieve your future goals.
Therapy is based on healing wounds from the past and should be performed by a licensed therapist.
What happens in the coaching session?
In coaching sessions, you get to pick the area you want to focus on, whether it's something personal or related to your career. You then set a goal for the session, which can be anything from getting fit to starting your own business or improving your relationships at work. My job as a life coach is to help you find the answers you already have within you by listening attentively and asking thoughtful questions. We'll record the session, and I'll send you a copy along with notes. The next week, we'll check in to see how you've been progressing, and you can choose to continue with the same goal or switch it up. Rest assured that our conversations are always confidential, and you're always in charge.
What support is offered?
The weekly coaching sessions are designed to support you along your journey. In addition to the weekly 1:1 sessions, there will be email and What's app support to help you overcome any unexpected challenges you may face.
Do you work with individuals under 18?
Yes, as long as parental consent is obtained. This is usually through an email or letter.
What to expect from the pro bono coaching sessions?
A pro bono coaching session is a package of 5 coaching sessions which last 45 minutes long. There is no fee for any of these sessions.
The client will get the same experience as a fee paying client.
What are your fees?
Each 45 minute coaching session will cost GBP 40. This includes unlimited email and message support.
What qualifications do you have?
I have a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Education and Psychology (2009). Certification in Performance coaching for leadership: Executive Coach training (ILM - 2020)